
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health based on over 2000 years of developments and refinements in the Far East.


What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a holistic approach to health based on over 2000 years of developments and refinements in the Far East.  Medical acupuncture is a more recent development, practised predominantly by doctors and Osteopaths, using a range of acupuncture techniques on the basis of a western medical diagnosis.  Acupuncture involves the use of fine, sterile, single use needles which are inserted quickly into the tissues just under the skin.  This should not be painful; some people may report experiencing a pinprick sensation when undergoing acupuncture.

Acupuncture treats a wide range of symptoms and ailments and at The Osteopaths Walters~Pearce~Perkins~Cadwallader~Sweeney is most often used in conjunction with Osteopathic treatment. The skill of an acupuncturist lies in their ability to make an informed diagnosis from what is often a complex pattern of symptoms.

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